Phosphate Rx and 4" 10m Sock

Reusable 4" (diameter) 10 micron filter socks clog up much faster than your standard 200 micron socks. Invert the sock and rinse them under a high pressure garden hose to remove the trapped sediment.

This combo pack makes placing an order easier. Phosphate Rx works best with a 10 micron filter sock. We stock 10 micron socks in 4" and 7" diameter sizes. The porosity is about double that of a RO sediment filter to trap the flocculant this product produces in your reef tank. 

The sock is reusable. The product contains 600 drops of solution. What are you waiting for? Trust me, it works. :)

This combo includes one 4" sock. If you want a 7" diameter sock, purchase that separately. 

melev's recommendation: When dosing Phosphate Rx, you may see the sock is ready to overflow within two hours. Be sure your sock is installed within your sump so that any overflow is caught in the system and not pouring out all over the floor.